Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Life is full of time wasters that don't build good relationships with people around you.  I see how much my family watches tv and it has gotten out of control.  I see how much the kids play their video games - not enough according to them - and it's spiraling the wrong way.  Internet usage is blowing out the roof here.  There is an easy, yet difficult fix to two of these things.  As of today my internet is being cancelled.  As of May 27th my tv will also be cancelled.  I have already warned the kids that their game remotes will do just fine sitting in my locker at work if that continues to be a problem.

The air is sort of trying in a way to be nice outside.  It's time to get more fresh air, more family time.  As a family we use to love being outside.  We use to love doing things together.  It all seems to be slipping away the more and more the screens are on.  We had a talk last night and it's hard to admit that the kids don't know the last time they did something to help each other out.  Finally after thinking about it for a bit they came up with a couple things - from long ago.  When I asked them though when the last time they yelled/fought with each other they new it was that day and the previous.  I can't control what my kids watch when they aren't home but not having tv here will sure control what they see here.

I told them I want them to be able to smile when they leave the house to go to school.  Not because they have to go to school but because the had a great morning before leaving the house.  I have set a rule, although those who know me know I hate rules, that there can be no fighting or yelling at each other in the mornings and as people come home you can't say anything bad or tattle on anyone for at least 10 minutes.  We need to make it a welcome home for anyone coming back.  Their friends already think of our home as a safe home.  Some of them want to be here regularly because they prefer it over the drama in theirs.  If their friends think that I know i'm doing something right, or they have extremely messed up homes.  I want this to feel like a safe home for anyone who visits and not one where people don't get along because they never talk.  One where people aren't interested in only themselves and making sure that they get as much tv or computer time as they can.

To this I say good luck to my readers (well one reader I know of at least) and I will be on from the library when I can.  I won't forget you.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Will it end?

I know it's not just us but much of the country.  But will it ever just go away and stay away for a few months?  The weather this Spring has been crazy to say the least.  When we do get some nice weather, we are reminded of where we live and get snow to follow it up.  Our snow was almost gone and then a couple weeks ago we had white out conditions and horrible weather.  Woke up the next morning to snow everywhere again.  It melted and people were out in shorts and t-shirts this past weekend and enjoying Spring, finally.  Hope they haven't packed away their winter clothing though because we are to be hit with another dumping tomorrow. A few days later it should be warmer again though.

I can handle snow and cold but by this time of the year it would be nice if it was gone.  The kids have worn out or out grown their snow pants and boots.  I'm not buying new ones this year because this crap should be gone.  There is one store I can get pants to fit my son properly and I can't do that because they are constantly out of his size due to our never-ending Winter we are having.  I would love to just put all the winter stuff away and pull out the summer clothes but it just won't end.  Problem is, the kids have missed wearing shorts, sandals, t-shirts that they will wear them even if it isn't weather appropriate to me.  One of those battles that I don't like having so I hold out until it can be avoided.  Some of the clothes have made it out and they are worn regularly but the two offenders know if they are going to under dress they are, under no circumstances, to complain to me that they are cold - even if they are turning blue.  If the weather would just co-operate with me, this wouldn't be an issue.